Community Initiatives
FCF Minerals Corporation is a mining company engaged in the exploration, development, and commercial operation of mineral claims through the Runruno Gold Project. The Company was incorporated in 2001 with office operations based in Makati City, Philippines. FCF became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Metals Exploration Plc. (AIM: MTL) in September 2005
Human Resource and Institution Building
To capacitate the beneficiaries with business skills, BLGU Runruno successfully conducted the 5th Runruno Trade Expo in partnership with the Community-Based Organisations, the Federation, and the small business groups in the barangay that are given technical assistance by the Enterprise Development staff of the Company’s Community Relations Office (CRO). With the theme “Enabling Robust Local Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability through Expansion of Domestic Green Economy and Market” the beneficiaries were given the opportunity to learn techniques in improving their livelihood through the presentations of the invited speakers from the government and private organisations.
Furthermore, in collaboration with government agencies such as the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and others, members of the associations continuously gain knowledge and enrich their skills for the maximisation of their personal and business growth.
Skills training on hollow blocks and eco-bricks making – Brgy. Runruno
Skills training on cash crop production
Conduct computer training in Barangay Aurora
Runruno Community Based Organisations Annual Assessment with Father Loubert Agduyeng –SDMP TWG member as speaker on values formation.
Government agencies representatives from DOST, Provincial Cooperative and Enterprise Development Office (PROCEDE) and DTI together with Punong Barangay of Runruno and FCF Sustainability Manager during the opening and Ribbon Cutting of the 5th Runruno Trade Expo (December 16-20, 2022).
To ensure healthy lives and to promote the well-being of the stakeholders especially to its host community, regular community support activities like medical and dental missions, feeding programme, clean-up drives and blood-letting are implemented through the SDMP fund. All employees and contractors of the Company are also encouraged to assist and participate in these activities as partners of development as well as to increase awareness of social responsibility.
The Company assists its host and neighbouring communities through the provision of needed medicines, medical equipment and other medical supplies. In particular Barangay Runruno allotted SDMP funds for the continuous conduct of its “Clean and Green Program” and to support the operation and programs of the barangay health station.
Turnover of vitamins, medicines and supplies- Brgy. Runruno
Blood Letting Activity- Brgy. Runruno
Feeding Programmes – Brgy. Runruno
The programmes being supported to advance the literacy in the barangays are the Alternative Learning System (ALS) composed of Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) and the Basic Literacy Programme (BLP), Early Child Care and Development (ECCD) and E-Learning Programme. This component also subsidised honoraria of the twenty-nine (29) ECCD, eight (8) elementary and two (2) high school teachers of the host and neighbouring communities (HNCs). Seven (7) HNCs also supports the formal education sector through the allotment of funds for the provision of school equipment and supplies in support to the new learning modality.
On top of these, BLGU Runruno continuously allocates funds through the SDMP for the college scholarship programme to support deserving but financially challenged high school graduates in the barangay. Currently, there are 26 SDMP scholars enrolled at the Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU) of which seven (7) are 4th year, nine (9) 3rd year, five (5) 2nd year and five (5) 1st year. They are taking courses in Education, Business Administration and Information Technology.
In 2024, six (6) Social Development and Management Scholars of Barangay’s Local Government Unit, BLGU Runruno, passed their teaching exams, & three (3) FCF Development of Mining Technology Scholars passed their Mining Engineering exams.
Moving – Up Ceremony of the ECCD programmes
BLP learning session
Mobile E-Learning Session
SDMP Scholars of Barangay Runruno MOA Signing
Turned-over 1 unit laptop and 1 unit printer to Laya Elementary School, Barangay Calaocan
Turn-over of school supplies-Maasin Elementary School
Infrastructure Development
The provision of infrastructure support to the community underwrites its sustainable development. The Company’s SDMP is used in funding priority infrastructure projects of the host and neighbouring communities that include farm-to-market roads, bridges, buildings, agricultural facilities, water system, irrigation canals, improvement of health and education facilities among others.
In the implementation of infrastructure projects, the first quarter of 2022 Annual SDMP was focused on documents preparation for the commencement of project constructions. The Company submitted the list of infra projects with coordinates to MGB Region 02 for the conduct of Geo-Hazard Assessments in the identified project locations. An evaluation report from the Geosciences Division of MGB Region 02 indicated the susceptibility to hazards of some identified location of the infra projects. The result of the evaluation was discussed with the Municipal Engineering Offices of Kasibu, Diffun and Quezon for the needed intervention that should be integrated in the Programme of Works (POWs) of the projects that were identified to be within the high risk area.
Improvement of Farm to Market Road (FTMR) – Barangay Caliat
Construction of Hanging Bridge- Barangay Calaocan
Construction of Welcome Arc-Brgy. Runruno
Improvement of Covered Court-Brgy. Dagupan
Improvement of Brgy. Road, Purok 1, Cordon
Information, Education and Communication
With the aim to enhance the Company’s overall communication strategies to deliver effective, efficient, and relevant messages that have a positive impact on a larger audience, the Information, Education and Communication (IEC) section of the Community Relations Office conducted its three (3) quarterly events to non-impact communities – the 1st quarter event was a provincial wide mural painting contest held at Solano, Nueva Vizcaya while the 2nd quarter event was conducted in Galintuja, Alfonso Castaneda in partnership with Nueva Vizcaya Police Provincial Office and the 4th quarter event was in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya in partnership with the 203rd Ready Reserve Battalion of Nueva Vizcaya.
The conduct of Responsible Mining Forum entitled “Drilling Correct Information on Responsible Mining, Paving Social Acceptance to New Generation” as 3rd quarter event was done in the host barangay specifically for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of the Runruno National High School. This aims to shape a better understanding of responsible mining and encourage Gen Z to take part in advocating responsible mining.
Conduct of public awareness and education campaigns using different media platforms and communication strategies such as the conduct of IEC sessions were continued following strict observance of social distance and use of facemask and other health and safety protocols.
FCF disclosure boards in the impact communities were being updated monthly. The Company’s Facebook page was reinforced with the committed contributions from the different company’s departments as stipulated in the 2022 Communications Plan. The Company’s Facebook page has become an avenue to educate a wider scope of stakeholders with regard to the operations of the Company, particularly on the activities showcasing responsible mining where updates containing photos and articles are uploaded on a weekly basis.

Turn-over of donation to MLGU Kasibu
IEC session on 2022 ASDMP Highlights of Accomplishment at Barangay Maddiangat.
Mr. Lorne Harvey, General Manager for Operations delivering his inspirational message during the 1st quarter event at Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
Ms. Agnes Rosales, CRO Manager, PCoL. Ranser Evasco, NVPPO Provincial Director and Hon. Rogelio A. Tewing, Barangay Captain led the tree planting in Galintuja, Alfonso Castaneda, Nueva Vizcaya
Photo-op after the 3rd Quarter Event at Runruno National High School
IEC 4th quarter event 2022 with the 203 Ready Reserve Battalion of Nueva Vizcaya.
Educational Mine Tour
The Company conducts educational mine tours for organisations and communities to educate and increase awareness on responsible mining. Through this, the participants are able to observe and interact in a natural setting, getting a feel of the actual activities. Visiting the mine operation site is significant for local officials, as it allows them to be able to properly address the concerns of the community with regards to the Company’s operation.
Mine Tour 1
Mine Tour 2
Mine Tour 3
Mine Tour 4
Development of Mining Technology and Geosciences
Education is one of the major development interventions being supported by the Company. Through its SDMP – Development of Mining Technology and Geosciences (DMTG) programme of the CRO, FCF Minerals Corporation was able to produce another set of college graduates and board passers.
In 2022, the DMTG programme had a total of 28 scholars from all over the Province of Nueva Vizcaya. Three graduate scholars were able to pass the Mining Engineering Board Exam and are now Licensed Engineers. In addition, seven scholars immersed in the different mining companies in the country for their on-the-job trainings.
In 2023, the Company provided opportunities for 54 economically disadvantaged students to receive educational support through full scholarships, nurturing their educational and career aspirations for a brighter future. The scholarship program is funded by the SDMP, with a focus on mining technology, geosciences, and academic pursuits tailored to the needs of Runruno students. Scholars benefit from waived tuition fees, living allowances, and educational trips, ensuring they have the support necessary to thrive academically.
Also included in the DMTG program, FCF donated additional laboratory equipment for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) academic strand of the K to 12 programme of the Runruno National High School (RNHS). The provision of equipment aims to upgrade the school laboratory for the improvement of the learners’ competence in preparation for their college education, especially those who plan to take mining courses.
Photo Ops with the FCF DMTG and SDMP scholars during the Year-End get together
The five (5) FCF DMTG Scholars from Adamson University during their OJT in the company
Ceremonial turnover of the STEM laboratory equipment
New Mining Engineers
Gift-giving Activity
As part of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and commitment to inclusive development, FCF Minerals Corporation conducted a gift-giving activity to 468 children of Barangay Buyasyas, Sta. Fe, Barangay Buyasyas, Kayapa and Barangay Cabuaan, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. The activity was children focused, allowing them to feel the spirit of Christmas.
The same activity was also provided to the children of Barangay Runruno, its host community during the celebration of their barangay fiesta on December 20, 2022.
Smiles and joy were seen on the faces of the children from the chosen elementary schools as beneficiaries of the event. This also brought happiness to the parents, local officials and teachers who accompanied the children in receiving their gifts as they witnessed the children enjoying the season of love and giving.
Gift-giving in Barangay Runruno
Gift-giving in Barangay Buyasyas, Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya
Gift-giving in Barangay Buyasyas, Sta.Fe, Nueva Vizcaya
Gift-giving in Barangay Cabuaan,Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Donations of Scrap Fund
With the aim to intensify the funding requirement of the Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU) Runruno for the implementation of its programs, projects and activities, proceeds of FCF scrap are fully donated to the Barangay.
To materialise the above objective, the recyclable materials generated by the Company are being transported and bought by a partner recycling facility and all proceeds are donated to the host community. To date, a total of Php8,150,736.60 has been turned over to Barangay.
The Company advanced this initiative to further promote the development of BLGU Runruno.
Turn-over of cheque to BLGU Runruno on April 4, 2022
Central Nursery – FCF’s key in attaining high survival rate on reforestation programmes
The Company’s central nursery is home to a huge number of high quality planting materials of different endemic species such as White Lauan, Mayapis, Guijo, Tanguile, Kalantas, Tuai, Narra, etc. and high value crops like Rambutan, Lansones, Durian, Guyabano, Coffee, Cacao, Duhat, Kasoy, Citrus sp., and Bamboo species. This facility can produce 200,000 to 300, 000 seedlings per year. Further, improvements were initiated such as Elevated Pot Beds to proliferate the denseness of root system thus increasing the survival rate of seedling once out-planted in the field and Water Misting System for water conservation, uniform coverage, and gentle precipitation thus eliminating mortality of germinant and transplants because of uncontrolled watering that can cause injury to the plant.
Clonal Nursery
In order to clone forest tree species like Guijo, Yakal, and Bagtikan from the Dipterocarpaceae family, and other endemic to the Philippines which have limitations in natural seed propagation because they have seed-off years, difficulty in propagation, and unavailability of the seedlings in certain localities, a clonal facility was established which uses macro-somatic clonal propagation technology.
Low-Cost Hydroseeding Technology
Low-cost hydroseeding technology is being used by the Company together with grasses and creepers that include Centrosema, Calopogonium, and White Millet. Binders used are composed of locally available materials such as cassava or corn starch and recyclable materials like waste papers and sawdust. A slurry mixture from a hydroseeding machine is sprayed in slopes and open areas applied with dayami (rice straw) as mulch and grasses, and creepers for immediate ground cover for slope stabilisation.
The Company’s mine rehabilitation involves three stages:
1) Focuses on slope stabilisation and erosion control measures
2) Involves planting of nitrogen-fixing and fast-growing species
3) The final stage of rehabilitation, where regenerants from tree cutting areas and climax forest tree species belonging to the Dipterocarpaceae family with high conservation values, known to be thriving in the area prior to mine disturbance activities, were planted in the mined-out area.
Progressive Mine Rehabilitation Programme: Tayab Dumpsite 1 (TDS 1)
- Date of Rehabilitation: July 2015
- Area: 3.07 hectares
- Slope Protection: Cocomatting
- Grass Planted: Vetiver
- Trees Planted: Apitong, Auri, Balitbitan, Rain tree, Mahogany, Kupang, Tuai, Mangium, Auri, Narra, Red river gum, White lauan, Gmelina, Katong-matsing, Nato, Dao, Yakal-saplungan, and other endemic species.
After – Currently at STAGE 2 rehabilitation
Progressive Mine Rehabilitation Programme: Tayab Dumpsite 2 (TDS 2)
- Date of Rehabilitation: January 2018
- Area: 2.13 hectares
- Slope Protection: Dayami installation and Lime application
- Grass Planted: Fleminga, Yellow peanut, Centrosema
- Trees Planted: Antsoan dilau, Balitbitan, Rain tree, Mahogany, Narra
After – On-going STAGE 3 rehabilitation
Progressive Mine Rehabilitation Programme: Upper Cabarligan Dumpsite 1 (UCDS 1)
- Date of Rehabilitation: September 2018
- Area: 1.05 hectares
- Slope Protection: Cocomatting, Dayami installation and Hydroseeding
- Grass Planted: Yellow peanut, Vetiver, White millet
- Trees Planted: Antsoan dilau, Balitbitan, Narra, Mahogany, Talisay
After – On-going STAGE 3 rehabilitation
Progressive Mine Rehabilitation Programme: Upper Cabarligan Dumpsite 2 (UCDS 2)
- Date of Rehabilitation: June 2019
- Area: 1.75 hectares
- Slope Protection: Dayami installation and Seed broadcasting
- Grass Planted: Centrosema and White millet
- Trees Planted: Antsoan dilau, Red river gum, Mahogany, Narra
After – On-going STAGE 3 rehabilitation
Progressive Mine Rehabilitation Programme: Tulingan Dumpsite Slopes (TUDS)
- Date of Rehabilitation: January 2020
- Area: 7.19 hectares
- Slope Protection: Dayami Installation, Hydroseeding, Seed broadcasting
- Grass Planted: Centrosema and White millet
- Trees Planted: Antsoan dilau, Mangium , Auri, Red river gum, Narra, White lauan, Mayapis, Tuai, Kawayang killing, Bayog, Rambutan, Lansones and other endemic species
After – Currently at STAGE 2 and STAGE 3 (Buttress Slopes) rehabilitation
Progressive Mine Rehabilitation Programme: Malilibeg Dumpsite (MDS)
- Date of Rehabilitation: March 2017
- Area: 3.57 hectares
- Slope Protection: Cocomatting and Riprapping
- Grass Planted: Vetiver
- Trees Planted: Antsoan dilau, Auri, Mangium, Balitbitan, Red river gum, Rain tree, Mahogany, White lauan, Narra, Tuai, Kupang, Bitaog and other endemic species
After – Currently at STAGE 3 rehabilitation
Progressive Mine Rehabilitation Programme: Radiohill
- Date of Rehabilitation: December 2018
- Area: 2.58 hectares
- Slope Protection: Dayami Installation, Seed broadcasting, Hydroseeding
- Grass Planted: Centrosema, Vetiver, White millet, Fleminga
- Trees Planted: Auri, Mangium, Mahogany, Narra, Balitbitan, Antsoan dilau, Red river gum, Tuai, Talisay, White lauan, Mayapis, Rambutan, Durian, Guyabano, Lansones and other endemic species
After – Currently at STAGE 3 rehabilitation
Social Development and Management Programme
Enterprise Development and Networking
Geared towards the development and promotion of economically-viable business enterprises, various livelihoods of the host barangay and the neighbouring communities are continuously supervised and monitored to institute systems and control mechanisms for the growth of capital funds following the framework of a business mindset.
In 2022-2023, the livelihood programmes that were implemented by the host and neighbouring communities (HNCs) supported the work of weavers crafting indigenous textiles and farmers’ banana chip and native furniture ventures. FCF was also instrumental in the construction of hanging bridges that provided a secure and stable means of crossing the river for schoolchildren and farmers.