The Estrella Concession, granted to Condor on the 5th April 2010, covers an area of 18km² over the historic Estrella Gold Mine, located approximately 20km southwest of Siuna, one of the three mining towns that define Nicaragua’s historic ‘Mining Triangle*’ in the northeast of the country. At Estrella an east-west trending mineralised structure containing at least three parallel epithermal veins within a width of 15-20m has been defined along a 400m strike length. The historic Estrella Gold Mine exploited at least 250m of this strike length at its western end where the structure crosses a low ridge and valley and runs part way up the crest of a ridge; Loma Estrella Ridge. No mine plans or production data are available for the Estrella Mine (also referred to as the Estrella de Venus Mine in old reports); however it is believed that the mine was worked on two or three levels for a few years before reportedly being destroyed in 1935 during civil unrest. Artefacts of this brief period of mechanised mining such as steel trolleys and rail tracks are in evidence to this day. It is believed that the mine operated a 20-50 tonne per day capacity mill during production and it is likely that the mining relied on gravity dewatering and did not extend below the level of the drainage adit at river level.