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AIM Rule 26

Since the amendments to the AIM Rules for Companies were introduced on 20 February 2007 by the London Stock Exchange, each AIM company must maintain a website on which certain information is to be made available to the public free of charge. This information is currently available on the Metals Exploration Plc website in the most appropriate section, but the Exchange have recommended that it also be available on a single page.

In this page we provide the corporate information pertaining to Metals Exploration plc in one place, with direct links to documents hosted on a different page in the website.

Corporate governance

Metals Exploration plc (the “Company”) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance throughout its operations and to ensuring that all of its practices are conducted transparently. The Company believes that scrutinising all aspects of its business and reflecting, analysing and improving its procedures will result in the continued success of the Company and improve shareholder value. Therefore, and as required under recent changes to the AIM Rules for Companies, the Company has chosen to formalise its governance policies by adopting the UK’s Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Guidelines for Small and Mid-Size Quoted Companies (the “QCA Code”).

The full corporate governance statement can be found on the Corporate Governance page.

City Code – takeovers and mergers

Metals Exploration plc is subject to the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.

Admission to AIM

Metals Exploration plc was admitted to the Alternative Investment Market for trading its shares on 22 October 2004.

Description of business

Metals Exploration’s objective is to discover and develop high value gold, copper and other mineral resources within the Southeast Asia – Pacific region with immediate emphasis on the Philippines. Metals Exploration is the 100% owner of the Runruno Gold Project, which it developed from greenfield to production, now producing over 80,000oz of gold per year. Metals Exploration is also the 100% owner of the La India Project in Nicaragua, following the acquisition of Condor Gold, which completed on 15 January 2025

Metals Exploration Plc’s management strategy and corporate plan

  • Provide Shareholders with the capital growth potential that the discovery of a world class mine can deliver.
  • Use financial modelling to ensure that the targets being sought are of the style to deliver a low-cost position on the production-cost curve.
  • Undertake minimum industry best practice, cost-effective and precise exploration on those targets most likely to deliver real Shareholder wealth.
  • After normalising mine operations at Runruno, to maintain a “queue” of projects ranging from grass-roots exploration through to well-advanced resource projects to projects requiring definitive feasibility studies.
  • Manage the real value of its tenement portfolio by advancing short-term value projects, Joint Venturing long-term value projects requiring significant capital, or by selling off those assets which deliver immediate value to the shareholders.
  • To conduct operations in a safe and environmentally responsible manner; to offer employment opportunities to those who live in the exploration project areas, and to respect the indigenous culture of the exploration provinces and promote social and economic development for the traditional custodians.

Director details

Please see the Directors page for full details.

Country of Incorporation and Operation

Metals Exploration Plc is incorporated in England and Wales (Registered Number: 05098945), with its registered office at: 38 – 43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3PE. The main country of operation is the Philippines. For further details of our projects in the Philippines please see the Projects area of the site.

Current constitutional documents

The Articles of Association of the Company are available here.

Exchange information

The Company currently trades on the London Stock Exchange AIM as “MTL”. For further information please visit the London Stock Exchange website page for Metals Exploration Plc.

Metals Exploration plc’s securities are not traded, or admitted to be traded, on any exchanges or trading platforms other than AIM.

Securities information

Information concerning securities in issue, as well as the identity and percentage holdings of its significant shareholders is available on our Capital Structure page.

Restrictions on the transfer of securities

There are no restrictions on the transfer of securities.

Financial Reports

All financial reports made available by us can be downloaded from the Results and reports page within the Investor Relations area of this website.

Notifications over last 12 months

All announcements made by the Company are available within the Investor Relations area of this website on the Regulatory News page.


Please see the Advisors page for full details.